Tax Deeds Surplus Funds

​​​​Tax Deed Surplus Funds​

If a tax deed sale results in a surplus, the surplus is held by the Clerk for payment to government agencies, lienholders, and former owners. Notarized claims must be submitted to the Clerk's Office to substantiate a claim. A former property owner as well as lienholders may submit claims for surplus funds, however all liens must be resolved before former owners can receive payment on a claim for surplus.

Claiming Surplus Funds by Type of Claimant​​​

Please use the online Claim Form to submit a claim.

For more information and forms to claim surplus funds from the Clerk's office, please visit the Clerk’s Unclaimed Funds page.

J. K. "Jess" Irby, Esq., Clerk of the Circuit Court

To locate tax deed files with a surplus go to the Tax Deed Files List on RealTDM:

Tax Deed Files List on RealTDM​

On this page, select Surplus Balance on the Balance Type option on the bottom.


For Surplus Balances without claims, select Surplus Balance Without Claim option on the drop down menu.

Tax Deed example 2

This will provide a list of results, which can be selected and viewed in more detail.​
