Alternative Vehicles


​​Alternative Vehicles

Amp: The Hybrid Vehicle

Alachua County purchases Toyota Priuses, nicknamed Amp, to replace less environmentally friendly vehicles that have been retired.

Environmental Benefits

Tailpipe Emissions:

The United States Environmental Protection Agency rates the County hybrid vehicles as Super Low Emissions Vehicles. This means that the tailpipe emissions are extremely low.

Energy Efficiencies:

Amp was designed to be energy efficient. The insulated roof and floor, tires, wheels and energy-efficient air conditioning system are among its special design elements.

Fuel Efficiencies:

The hybrid vehicles actually get better mileage in city driving than on the highway, though both numbers are impressive. The manufacturer claims the following mileage averages: 52 mpg city - 45 mpg highway - 48 combined

Electric Truck

Alachua County uses these electric trucks to transport personnel, parts, tools and supplies used to maintain repair and energy up-grade County facilities.

Environmental Benefits:

  • Saves money
  • Reduces dependency on foreign oil
  • Reduces harmful emissions
  • Reduces energy consumption ​