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Fire Department Links

Alachua County has a number of fire service organizations which provide services their individual communities. Alachua County Fire Rescue provides Advanced Life Support Emergency Medical Service (ambulance) service county wide and direct fire services to all citizens in the unincorporated county and the municipalities of Alachua, Archer, Hawthorne, and Waldo. Alachua County Fire Rescue can be contacted via phone at (352) 384-3101 if you have questions about our department. Other municipal services web sites are linked below.


Wildland Fire Information/Outdoor burning

Florida's unique ecology and climate make it a fantastic place to live and work in the United States. For thousands of years people have interacted and lived alongside a unique ecosystem. This ecosystem is however based upon periodic burning. In fact many of Florida's unique plant life depend upon these periodic fires for propagation and renewal. Fire has been an important factor in the State we call home. Wildfires can have both positive an negative economical and ecological impact to the State dependent on its application. It is very important that people understand that fires play an important role in our community. There are provisions for outdoor fires within the unincorporated Alachua County. All outdoor fires in the unincorporated Alachua County, including permits for such fires, are handled through the Florida Forest Service.

Florida Forest Service

Florida Forest Service ( Current Florida Fire Conditions)

How to obtain a burn permit from the Florida Forest Service

Local burn permits can be made through the Florida Fire Service (352) 395-4951

United States Forest Service
