Community Services
Community Services

Shelley and Henry Table at FMNH events

​Alachua County Recycles offers FREE programs to community groups that are interested in learning about solid waste management practices in Alachua County. 

Your organization can invite our staff to festivals, fairs, meetings or other events to present our programs or resources. 

Click here to reach Alachua County Recycles for a program or service listed below​ ​or email  acarinio@alachu​ or call (352)548-1278.  

Please provide the following information:

1) Contact name

2) Contact  phone number

3) Contact email

4) Age range of participants

5) How many people will be participating

6) A few dates and times in which you would like to have this tour/presentation/activity

Leveda Brown Environmental Park & Transfer Station Tour
Leveda Brown Environmental Park & Transfer Station Tour

We offer free educational tours of the Leveda Brown Environmental Park & Transfer Station, for individuals and community groups. On your guided trolley tour of our working facility, you will see how municipal solid waste, hazardous waste and recycling is managed in Alachua County. Book a tour by calling (352) 338-3233.​Alanna giving tour 01.jpg

The Leveda Brown Environmental Park is located at 5115 NE 63rd Avenue (see map below).  Follow NE 63rd Ave until you see our facility entrance on the right. Keep to the right after entering the facility (do not follow garbage trucks over the scale ramp). Guests may park in the parking lot adjacent to the Visitor Center building. There are green signs directing you to this parking lot as you drive in. Carpooling is encouraged as parking is limited. Bus parking is available near the grass, across from the cardboard dumpsters. The tour will last approximately one hour.   ​
Included in your behind the scenes tour:
•           A brief history of solid waste management in Alachua County
•           How various waste components are disposed of in Alachua County
•           Which items can be recycled in Alachua County
•           How recyclables are processed
•           How to properly dispose of hazardous materials
Questions are encouraged throughout our tours.  Please make sure that all members of your group wear closed-toe shoes as we do get out and walk during a portion of the tour.  This is an outside activity so please bring water if needed and jackets if the weather looks to be overcast. 
Our goal is to make this a personalized experience for you and your group.  
If for any reason you need to cancel or are running late the day of the tour, please call the Transfer Station at 352-334-0172.​​
Reduce, Reuse & Recycle Presentation
Reduce, Reuse & Recycle Presentation

Alanna presenting to preschoolers at TalbotOur Reduce, Reuse and Recycle presentations are educational and engaging for all ages. With optional hands-on activities and games, we can tailor our programs to meet the needs of your group’s size and knowledge level.

Composting Presentation
Composting Presentation

Two different types of backyard composters. One is a wire bin, the other is plastic.

During our composting presentation you will learn about the process of composting and how to start a compost pile in your backyard or for your organization.  What is compost? Why start composting? Waste Alternatives staff provide a basic understanding of composting; a great way to reduce the amount of food and organics waste in your trash bin.​​  This program can be designed for all age groups.

Don’t be a Litterbug
Don’t be a Litterbug

20160424_183353.jpgWaste Alternatives staff discuss the effects of litter to our natural areas. Staff also discusses how you can help control litter locally with our Adopt-A-Road Program. To sign up to adopt a road today visit:​Litter clean up during the Great American Cleanup


​Recycling Container Program

Clearstream recycling bin ready to receive recyclables
Thank you for taking the initiative to increase recycling at your event or gathering.

There is NO fee to borrow the containers and we will provide enough bags for your event; however, you are responsible for transporting the recyclables to a proper recycling facility.

Remember to communicate with guests so they may contribute to making your recycling program a success.

RECYCLE: Metal/aluminum cans, plastic bottles

NO: Plastic, paper, or Styrofoam cups

ClearStream Use: Tips & Instructions

  1. ​When plotting out the areas, include where ClearStreams and other garbage units will be placed. ClearStreams should always be placed next to normal garbage containers.
  2. Make sure they are located in visible and appropriate areas. Place near food vendors and sporadically throughout the event. 
  3. Train Volunteers. Teach them to properly secure bags and attach lids to the frame. Make sure the supervisors are trained on how to get them on/off the frames and they in turn will train their support staff. Please see diagram below or on bag for instructions, or visit the Clear Stream website at
  4. Make sure volunteers are collecting and replacing bags when they are 2/3 full.
  5. Keep the lids clean by wiping them down with rags as necessary.
  6. You are responsible for transporting the recyclables to a proper recycling facility. 
Clearstream instructions




  • Outreach & Education
  • 5620 NW 120th Lane
  • Gainesville, FL 32653
  • Phone: 352-374-5213
  • TDD/TTY users, please call 711 (Florida Relay Service)

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