12-19-18 Planning Commission and 12-20-18 Development Review Committee Items

The Alachua County Planning Commission will meet on Wednesday, December 19, 2018, at 6 p.m. The Alachua County Development Review Committee will meet on Thursday, December 20, 2018, at 1:30 p.m. Both meetings will be held in the Jack Durrance Auditorium (room 209) on the second floor of the County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, downtown Gainesville).

Items for the Planning Commission

ZOX-01-18 (Boys & Girls Club Special Exception for Athletic Fields Adjacent to Single-Family Areas) – This is a request by CHW, Inc., agent, for the Boys’ Clubs of Alachua County, Inc., owners, for a special exception to permit outdoor lighting for recreational activities adjacent to residential development. The site is approximately 9.37 acres, has a future land use designation of Institutional, and is located in the Agriculture (A) zoning district. The site is located on tax parcels 06168-000-000; 06168-002-000 and 06169-000-000 at 2661 N.W. 51st Street. For more information, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Mehdi Benkhatar at mbenkhatar@alachuacounty.us.

CPA-05-18 (Eastgate Meadows Small Scale Comp Plan Amendment) – This is a request by Clay Sweger of eda, inc., agent, for David Duncan, owner, for a small-scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the future land use designation on 4.3 acres from Commercial to Medium-High Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre), and delete the Eastgate Low Activity Center Map from the Future Land Use Element. This site is in the ‘BR’ (Retail Sales & Service) and ‘R-2’ (Multi-Family Residential) zoning districts and is located at 2901 S.E. Hawthorne Road on Tax Parcel Numbers 16146-002-000; 16175-000-000; 16173-00-000 and 16147-000-000. This application is associated with ZOM-08-18. For more information, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Gerald Brewington, Senior Planner, at glb@alachuacounty.us.

ZOM-08-18 (Eastgate Meadows Planned Development) – This is a request by Clay Sweger of eda, inc., agent, for David Duncan, owner, to rezone from ‘BR’ (Retail Sales & Service) district to ‘PD’ (Planned Development) district. The site is approximately 13 acres and has a future land use designation of Commercial and Medium Density Residential (4-8 dwelling units/acre). It is located on tax parcel numbers 16146-002-000; 16175-000-000; 16173-000-000; 16147-000-000; 16148-004-000; 16148-005-000; 16148-002-000; 16148-006-000; 16166-000-000 and a portion of tax parcel number 16148-000-000 located at S.E. Hawthorne Road and S.E. 27th Street. The proposed PD, if approved, would permit up to 127 single-family residential units on the property. For more information, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Gerald Brewington, Senior Planner, at glb@alachuacounty.us.

ZOS-03-18 (Florence C& D Special Use Permit) – This is a request by eda. inc., agent, for Southeast Landholdings, Inc., owners, to renew and amend an existing special use permit for a construction and demolition (C&D) landfill facility.  The amendment would allow for vertical expansion to increase capacity at the site and extend the special use permit for 5 years.  The site is approximately 47.3 acres and has a future land use designation of Residential Estate (up to 1 dwelling unit/ 2 acres) and is located in the ‘A’ (Agriculture) district. The site is located on tax parcel 16227-000-000 at 3003 S.W. 15th Street. For more information, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Gerald Brewington, Senior Planner, at glb@alachuacounty.us.

View the Planning Commission Agenda.

Item for the Development Review Committee

Alachua Skilled Nursing Facility Planned Development Phase 1 – This is a Final Development Plan Review for a two story 138,750 sq. ft. skilled nursing facility with a maximum 223 beds on approximately 20.58 acres located in the 6500 block of N.W. 39th Avenue. For more information, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Leslie McLendon at LMcLendon@alachuacounty.us.

View the Development Review Committee Agenda.

The public is invited to attend these meetings. The Planning Commission Meeting will be available to view live on Cox Cable Channel 12, and on the County's Video on Demand website. Due to a scheduling conflict with a City of Gainesville Commission Meeting, the Development Review Committee Meeting will not be televised. It will be available on the County’s Video on Demand website.

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