4-29-20 Charter Review Commission Virtual Meetings

​The Alachua County 2020 Charter Review Commission (CRC) will meet on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. This is a virtual meeting as permitted by the Florida Governor’s Executive Order No. 2020-69. The public may attend virtually through Cox Cable Channel 12, Facebook, the County’s Video on Demand website, or by calling 301-715-8592 (for audio only). Meeting ID 670 695 3024. 

There will be one public comment session during each meeting, immediately following The Chair’s introduction. Once public comment is opened, please immediately call 352-418-0705, and follow the instructions to leave your recorded message for the CRC. Callers should leave their name and limit comment to three minutes. During this comment period, the public may call in and comment on any items on the agenda or any matters related to the Charter Review Commission. Prior to the meeting, the public may submit comments and any written or photographic documents to the Commission through e-mail at CharterReview@alachuacounty.us. Any questions regarding participation should be directed to the Alachua County Communications Office at 352-264-6923 or 352-264-6693.

The meeting agenda includes:

1. Consideration of meeting dates/times – May 4, and May 6 (must be completed by 4 p.m.)

2. Public Comment – On any item on this Agenda, or on any CRC-related matter not on the Agenda. When Public Comment is opened, the CRC will recess for 10 minutes to allow members of the public to call 352-418-0705 and leave a recorded message of up to 3 minutes.

3. Legal analysis/advanced proposals – Wade Vose

4. Advance proposals to public hearing agenda – action 

5. Eliminated proposals – referrals to other agencies

6. Education efforts re: proposed Charter ballot items – Wade Vose

7. Member Comments

8. Attorney and staff comments

9. Information Items
Tabled Motion (April 21, 2020): Eliminate proposal #80, pending clarification from County Attorney re: her understanding of the phrase “The board of county commissioners shall by majority vote confirm the appointment of department heads.” Article II, Sec. 2.3

Tabled Motion (December 11, 2019) Commissioner Thompson moved and Commissioner Robbins seconded that the Charter Review Commission shall clearly indicate to the Board of County Commissioners and the Supervisor of Elections its preferred order of appearance on ballot for proposed amendments

In 1986, the electorate established a home rule charter for Alachua County. This gave the County the full local home rule benefits afforded by the Constitution of the State of Florida. Every ten years, the CRC reviews the Charter and proposes amendments or revisions for placement on the general election ballot, which in the case of this CRC would be the November 2020 ballot.

The members of the 2020 CRC are Penny Wheat (Chair), Joe Little (Vice-Chair), Douglas Bernal, K. Richard Blount, Scott Camil, James Ingle, Nicholas Klein, Pradeep Kumar, Erroll “Stanley” Richardson, Tamara Robbins, James Thompson, and Kristen Young.

Watch Alachua County Talks interviews with CRC members Penny Wheat and Joe Little.

For more information, contact 2020 Alachua County Charter Review Commission Liaison Kurt Lannon at 352-337-6144 or CharterReview@alachuacounty.us.

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