8-3-23 Development Review Committee Meeting

The Alachua County Development Review Committee will meet on Thursday, August 3, 2023, in the Jack Durrance Auditorium at the Alachua County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, Gainesville). This meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. 

The Committee will take public comments in person only. The meeting will not be available on Cox Cable Channel 12. The public may view the meeting on the County’s Video on Demand website

Items for the Development Review Committee Meeting:

108 Acres Rural Cluster Subdivision - This is a Preliminary Development Plan to construct a subdivision with 24 lots on approximately 95.08 acres. It is located on Tax Parcel Numbers 05726-001-000, 05727-003-002, 05726-003-003, 05727-003-000 at 9746 W. State Road 235. Staff Report and Back-up Materials

Rayzor-Taylor Shared Dock and Boathouse - This is a Final Development Plan and Floodplain Development Permit to construct a boathouse on approximately 1.00 acre. It is located on Tax Parcel Numbers 18396-033-000 and 18396-034-000 at 21626 and 21634 N.E. 115th Avenue. Staff Report and Back-up Materials 

Bickmeyer Dock and Boathouse - This is a Final Development Plan and Floodplain Development Permit Plan to construct an approximately 884 sq ft dock and boathouse on approximately 2.89 acres. It is located on Tax Parcel Number 18399-011-000 at 20936 N.E. 132nd Avenue. Deferred to the September 7, 2023 DRC hearing.

For more information, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or developmentreview@alachuacounty.us.

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