EPD’s Stephen Hofstetter to Lead the Florida Local Environmental Resource Agencies

Stephen Hofstetter Alachua County is very proud to announce that Interim Environmental Protection Department Director, Stephen Hofstetter has been appointed President of the Florida Local Environmental Resource Agencies (FLERA). 

The mission of FLERA is to enhance communication, education and advocacy for Florida local environmental protection efforts. FLERA was formed in the late 1960s as a voluntary association of local environmental programs to share information about mutual resource concerns and solutions. Today, FLERA is a diverse organization of state, county and municipal agencies and consulting firms. Our members provide a wide variety of environmental protection and land management expertise that help maintain Florida's natural resources for the current and future enjoyment of both Florida residents and visitors.

In speaking ​of the appointment, Mr. Hofstetter said, "It is my honor to serve as the president of the organization for the 2021 fiscal year.  FLERA is a great forum for education, communication, and collaboration with your peers and environmental professionals. We are also very involved with environmental legislative issues at the state and federal level."

Visit the FLERA website.

For more information, contact Stephen Hofstetter at 352-264-6811 or shofstetter@alachuacounty.us

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