February Environmental Horticulture Programs

The UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County Office is pleased to announce the following Environmental Horticulture programs for February 2023. These programs are being offered by Dr. Cynthia Nazario-Leary, Environmental Horticulture Agent.

Soil Amendments – February 14, from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the Alachua County Ag Auditorium (22716 W. Newberry Road, Newberry)

This class is presented by Master Gardener Volunteers. It includes a review of typical types of soil for this region, the benefits, or deficiencies, what materials can assist to supplement those deficiencies, and what benefit it will have on various classes of plants (alkaline vs. acidic, etc.). In addition, there is a quick review of the primary nutrients expected in “good” soil.

There is no registration fee, but participants must register online. This program is limited to 100 participants.

Plant to Plate Series – February 15, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., at the Alachua County Ag Auditorium (22716 W. Newberry Road, Newberry) with Martha Maddox, Family & Consumer Sciences Agent IV

Plant to Plate is a series of in-person and online classes covering how to grow, harvest, and prepare herbs to enhance the flavor and health of meals. Classes are divided into four sessions. The first and fourth sessions are held at the Alachua County Ag Auditorium, and sessions two and three are Zoom webinars.

Session 1: Starting a Garden & Herbs: From the Garden to the Plate (February 15, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., at the Alachua County Ag Auditorium)

The class covers the basics of getting a garden started in Florida and herb preparation (drying, freezing, storing, and more). Participants receive a selection of herb starter plants and/or seeds, guides, and instructions for growing an herb garden. In addition, they receive a culinary herb booklet with information, recipes, and dried herbs to use.

Session 2: Food Safety (March 1, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.) & Managing Pests and Disease in the Garden (March 8, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.) These sessions will be Zoom webinars.

The March 1 class covers food safety guidelines, safe handling of herbs, along with proper food preservation methods for canning and freezing food. Participants receive a booklet with information and a refrigerator/freezer thermometer (will receive at the face-to-face session). 

On March 8, the class will cover Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for various pests and diseases and how to encourage beneficial insects in the garden. Participants receive IPM resources and materials. 

Session 3: Cooking with Herbs, Seasonal and Buying Local (April 5, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.) and The Garden Harvest and Planning for the Next Growing Season (April 12, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.) These sessions will be Zoom webinars.

The April 5 class covers cooking with herbs to add flavor and reduce sodium, food pairing with herbs, and the importance of shopping locally. Participants receive a booklet with educational materials, a seasonal chart, shopping locations, and recipes. 

On April 12, the class covers harvesting, seasonality, and basic seed saving and propagation.

Session 4: Harvest Meal (May 3, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Alachua County Ag Auditorium)

This session includes a group meal, an expo of sharing samples of things cooked from the garden, and a panel of UF/IFAS Extension Agents and Specialists to answer questions.

The registration fee is $30.00 (includes all four sessions). Participants must register online. Participants receive the Zoom links after paying the registration fee. There are no refunds for the registration fee.

Warm Season Gardening – February 15, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., at the Tower Road Library Branch (3020 S.W. 75th Street, Gainesville)

Participants learn innovative ways to grow vegetables during Florida's warm season. The Master Gardener Volunteers cover vegetable gardening basics and how to manage pests and soil fertility in the garden.

There is no registration required. 

For more information about these programs, call 352-955-2402. Visit the Extension Office website for additional programs offered by the Extension Office. 

An Equal Opportunity Institution. Extension Service, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Dr. Andra Johnson, Dean for UF/IFAS Extension. Single copies of Extension publications (excluding 4-H and youth publications) are available free to Florida residents from county Extension offices.

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