This week, January 14 through January 18, 2019, is Florida Severe Weather Awareness Week. Alachua County Emergency Management will participate in this week-long event by posting a different focus topic about severe weather on their social media sites each day this week, and by participating in the statewide tornado drill.
On Wednesday, January 16, 2019, the National Weather Service in Jacksonville is conducting a Statewide Tornado Drill. Alachua County Emergency Management will issue test emergency alerts to members of the County's Emergency Response Team (ERT) to test communication systems and responses to these alerts by the ERT members. Individual County departments or external organizations may also choose to perform internal testing or drills, as well.
Please note that these emergency test alerts will not be issued to the general public. However, citizens are encouraged to participate in the drill by considering themselves under a tornado watch on the morning of Wednesday, January 16. They can monitor their weather alert radios for the tornado warning drill alert to be issued by the National Weather Service at approximately 10 a.m. Residents can practice “duck and cover,” practice moving to a safe place in their home or work environment, or simply take the opportunity to review their disaster plan with their family members or coworkers.
Follow Alachua County Emergency Management on Facebook and Twitter.
Visit the Alachua County Emergency Management website.
For more information, contact Alachua County Emergency Management Interim Director Melinda Hart at 352-264-6510 or