The UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County Office is pleased to announce the following Commercial Horticulture program for May 2022. This program is being offered by Dr. Tatiana Sanchez, Commercial Horticulture Agent, at the UF/IFAS Honey Bee Research & Extension Laboratory (1881 Natural Area Drive, Gainesville).
Beekeeping: Honey Extraction & Hive Management – May 14, from 9 a.m. to noon
This class covers honey extraction from honey bee hives and keeping a healthy hive. Live bees will be used. Please dress in protective clothing (closed-toe shoes, long sleeves, bring a beekeeping suit if available).
The registration fee is $20.00 (includes materials and refreshments). Participants must
register online by May 11. There are no refunds for the registration fee. The class is limited to 30 participants.
If you would like to be added to the beekeeping mailing list for information about upcoming classes, send an email to, subject: please add to beekeeping mailing list.
For more information about this program, contact Dr. Tatiana Sanchez, Commercial Horticulture Agent, at 352-955-2402. Visit the
Extension Office website for additional programs offered by the Extension Office.
An Equal Opportunity Institution. UF/IFAS Extension, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Dr. Andra Johnson, Dean for UF/IFAS Extension. Single copies of UF/IFAS Extension publications (excluding 4-H and youth publications) are available free to Florida residents from county UF/IFAS Extension offices.