The Alachua County Office of Land Conservation and Management (Alachua County Forever Program) will host a public meeting on Tuesday, August 16, 2022. The meeting is to discuss the proposed Management Plan and Master Recreation for Black Lake Preserve, located west of Melrose. The meeting is from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Trinity Episcopal Church (204 S.R. 26, Melrose).
This meeting provides citizens the opportunity to learn about the proposed Management Plans for the Preserve, including the maintenance and restoration of the natural communities, invasive exotic plant management strategies, use of prescribed fire, forest resource management strategies, future public access opportunities, and more.
Black Lake Preserve is a 288-acre nature preserve located in eastern Alachua County, on the south side of Lake Santa Fe. The Alachua County Forever Program purchased the preserve on June 5, 2020, using funds from the 2016 voter-approved Wild Spaces and Public Places surtax.
A full copy of the draft Management Plan is available upon request by emailing Alachua County Senior Environmental Specialist Ryan Kennelly at
LandConservation@alachuacounty.us, or by calling 352-727-0432.
Citizen input can be given at the meeting, by submitting written comments to the email address above, or by hard copy to: Alachua County Office of Land Conservation and Management, 408 West University Ave., Suite 106, Gainesville, FL 32601.