Special Needs Registry Program

Special Needs ShelterAlachua County Emergency Management is pleased to announce the ability for Special Needs Registry Program registration to be conducted online. The Alachua County Special Needs Registry is specifically targeted for individuals that have certain physical or medical conditions and no options to shelter at home, with friends, family, or elsewhere during a disaster. 

The Registry enables Alachua County Emergency Management and Alachua County Department of Health staff to coordinate needs with registrants in advance of tropical weather or other incidents requiring sheltering. As the 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season approaches, it is recommended that any residents in need of Special Needs sheltering register now and continue to update their information with Emergency Management annually.

For more information, visit the Special Needs Registry Program website or contact Alachua County Emergency Management at 352-264-6540 or acem@alachuacounty.us.

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