Vaccination Registration Update

​This press release published at the request of the Florida Department of Health in Alachua County.

ALACHUA COUNTY, FL – Additional populations have been added to those eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Of note and in addition to those 50 years of age and above who are K-12 school employees, sworn law enforcement officers and firefighters, are those patients who a physician signs off on being extremely vulnerable to COVID-19.  The form required for a physician’s attestation is located here.

“Including these additional groups will provide further protection to our community’s most vulnerable,” stated Paul Myers, Administrator of the Alachua County Health Department. “Eligible Florida residents are encouraged to make an appointment by registering at, or by calling 352-334-8810.”

For those who are confirmed by a physician to be extremely vulnerable to COVID-19, the form is required to be completed by their physician. Unless a patient is an established Alachua County Health Department patient, the ACHD will not be completing this form. The completed form will be required to gain access to the appointment only vaccination clinic and must be surrendered to clinic staff before access to the clinic is granted. Individuals who arrive at their appointment without the form will be turned away.

Those who have registered at also are encouraged to update their information or opt-out of their registration if they have already been vaccinated or no longer desire to be vaccinated. Updating information will not result in an appointment delay but rather assist the health department in expediting appointments and reducing the number of unnecessary texts/emails and calls for those no longer interested in being vaccinated through this system.

For more information, visit

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