Water Wisdom Virtual Environmental Educational Programming for Youth

waterThe Alachua County Environmental Protection Department (EPD) is excited to launch the virtual Water Wisdom program for teaching youth about local water resources. Last year EPD staff was able to offer over 100 classroom presentations reaching thousands of students through Gainesville Clean Water Partnership funding. With many students in a virtual environment this semester, there is a need for virtual programming to continue to highlight how we can all protect our water. Simple videos will be posted to Alachua County’s Facebook site and YouTube Channel throughout this semester, so educators can access the content whenever convenient. Topics will include watershed concepts, preventing stormwater pollution, springs protection, water conservation, and more. 

“It is important to bring water programming to our schools because one day, these students will be managing households, landscapes, businesses, and making the decisions that will protect our springs, lakes, creeks, and rivers,” said EPD Water Resources Program Manager Stacie Greco. 

For more information on Water Wisdom or other EPD educational programs, contact EPD’s Hollie Greer at 352-264-6800 or Hgreer@alachuacounty.us.

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