11-4-21 Development Review Committee Meeting

The Alachua County Development Review Committee will meet on Thursday, November 4, 2021, at the Alachua County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, Gainesville). This hybrid meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. The public may attend and participate (offer comments) in this meeting virtually and in-person. The public may view the meeting on the County's Video on Demand website. If attending in person, masks are strongly recommended for those not vaccinated.

For the public who attend virtually, once the public comment is opened for an item under discussion, please call 929-505-6099 (enter meeting code 478 494 9835). Callers will be put in a queue, and prompted when it is their turn to speak. TO AVOID FEEDBACK, SPEAKERS MUST TURN DOWN THE VOLUME ON THEIR DEVICES WHEN ADDRESSING THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE. Callers should state their names and limit comments to three minutes. When prompted for in-person comments, in-person participants should follow the direction of the Chair to participate. Written comments or photographic documents may be emailed to Development Review Staff ahead of the scheduled hearing developmentreview@alachuacounty.us.

Items for the Development Review Committee Meeting:

Arborcrest Assisted Living Facility (FKA Sage Oaks ALF) – This is a Revised Condition for an approved 62,000SF assisted living facility on 5.14 acres. It is located on Tax Parcel Numbers 06233-006-001 and 06233-006-000 at 9775 N.W. 39th Avenue. Staff Report and Back-up Materials

Buckingham South Unit 2, Lot 18 – This is a Revised Final Development Plan and Replat Review to reduce the rear setback to allow for detached garage and correct existing encroachment within front setback on approximately 0.47 acres. It is located on Tax Parcel Number 06656-051-018 at 8602 S.W. 5th Place. Staff Report and Back-up Materials

Oakmont Planned Development - Phase 5A & 5B – This is a Final Development Plan and Plat Review for a 178 lot single family residential subdivision on approximately 65.13 acres. It is located on a portion of Tax Parcel Number 04427-000-000 at 12100 block of S.W. 24th Avenue. Staff Report and Back-up Materials

Mandel Boat Dock and Boathouse – This is a Final Development Plan and Floodplain Development Permit Review for a proposed boat dock replacement with the expansion of covered areas on approximately 0.4 acres. It is located on Tax Parcel Number 06103-0-000 at 2732 S.E. CR 21B Melrose (Bradford County). Staff Report and Back-up Materials

For more information, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or developmentreview@alachuacounty.us.

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