Emergency Action 2021-22 Declaration of a State Emergency in Alachua County

Alachua County Commission Chair Ken Cornell has signed Emergency Action 2021 declaring a State of Emergency in Alachua County due to the alarming spike in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and the severity of the Delta variant.

Read Emergency Action 2021-22

“We urge all residents to read the order and take all actions necessary to keep themselves, their families, and their community safe,” Chair Cornell said. He continued by saying, “As stated in the Emergency Action, with the increase in hospitalizations due to the increase in virulence of the Delta variant when compared with previous variants and the increase in breakthrough infections of the vaccinated, the County strongly recommends that the members of the public who have not been vaccinated get vaccinated, and all members of the public, including those who are vaccinated, should follow the guidelines of the CDC regarding washing hands frequently, social distancing and wearing masks indoors.”

The Alachua County Health is continuing with its walk-up vaccine clinics.
Upcoming free vaccine events

To view the latest available local COVID information, click below:
Alachua County COVID-19 Dashboard

For information on the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), click below:

For more information, contact Communications Director Mark Sexton at 352-264-6979.

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