Institute for County Government and Florida Association of Counties Designations and Awards

At the recent Florida Association of Counties Annual Conference, all five Alachua County Commissioners and one staff member received awards and designations presented by the Institute for County Government (ICG) and the Florida Association of Counties (FAC).

In speaking of the conference, Chair Ken Cornell said, “I was very proud that all of our Commissioners attended the FAC Annual Conference.  Participation in FAC is a crucial part of our efforts to influence the State legislative process and share ideas with other Florida counties.”

ICG presented Alachua County Commissioners Marihelen Wheeler, Mary Alford, and Anna Prizzia with the Certified County Commissioner (CCC) designation following completion of a comprehensive study program developed by the Institute. CCC participants must complete a total of 45 hours of coursework to graduate. The program’s coursework covers various topics, such as ethics and Sunshine Law, county government roles and responsibilities, county government structure and authority, financial management, growth management, negotiation skills, economic development, and effective communication.

ICG presented County Chair Cornell with the Advanced County Commissioner Level II (ACC II) designation following the completion of a comprehensive study program. The Advanced County Commissioner Level II (ACC II) education program is an advanced leadership program designed for commissioners who graduated from the CCC and Advanced County Commissioner Level I (ACC I) programs.

FAC presented Chair Cornell and Commissioner Charles Chestnut with the Presidential Advocacy Award for their work during the 2021 Legislative Session. The FAC Presidential Advocacy Award recognizes county commissioners who have shown exceptional leadership in advocating with FAC during the 2021 session to advance counties’ legislative agenda and preserve home rule.  

ICG also recognizes Latoya Gainey from Alachua County with successful completion of the County Government Education program developed by the Institute. Similar to the CCC program, the program covers a variety of topics such as county government structure and authority, finance and budget, growth management, ethics and Sunshine Law, and Florida’s legislative process.

For more than 85 years, the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) has represented the diverse interests of Florida’s counties, emphasizing the importance of protecting home rule – the concept that government closest to the people governs best. The Florida Association of Counties helps counties effectively serve and represent Floridians by strengthening and preserving county home rule through advocacy, education, and collaboration. 

For more information, contact FAC Director of External Affairs Cragin Mosteller at 850-294-9307.

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