Report a Violation

Alachua County
New Code Complaint Software

Effective 03/01/2021

Report code violation, check status, search for code violation complaints records, all in one place!

PUBLIC RECORDS NOTICE: All information submitted here is public record. Which means that the information we receive online may be disclosed to any person making a public records request and is visible to all persons visiting this web page. For more questions, please contact our office by phone at 352-374-5238, or in person (by appointment only).

Please follow the step-by-step guidance below:

Please create an account with your email address, you will receive email when the case has been received and updated. All cases will become public records.

Florida Statutes change on anonymous Code Administration complaints:
Effective 07/01/2021, County Code and Municipal Code Administration: A person designated as a code inspector may not initiate an investigation of a potential violation of a duly enacted code or ordinance by way of an anonymous complaint. A person who reports a potential violation of a code or an ordinance must provide his or her name and address to the governing body of the respective board of county commissioners before an investigation occurs.

Approved by Governor on Tuesday June 29, 2021. Read the details.

Step 2. File a Code Complaint

Once you have created your account or logged in, you will be able to file the complaint by following the steps and you can attach pictures to the case. You will receive an email when the case is received with a case number.

You can check from here to see if your case is a Code Violation.

Step 3. Check Status

You will be able to check the case status, upload more pictures or documents, or leave a message.

Step 4. Search for Code Complaints

You can search for Code Complaints by using the different search categories.

Contact Us


Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm