Facilities Management


Creating Clean, Sustainable, and Operational Environments.


We are committed to enhancing the functionality and sustainability of our facilities through strategic projects. Below, you'll find details on our Facilities Master Plan, as well as current, future, and recently completed projects.

Facilities Master Plan

Our Facilities Master Plan outlines our long-term strategy for the growth and improvement of county facilities. It focuses on sustainability, operational efficiency, and adapting our spaces to meet evolving needs. Key components of the plan include:

  • Reducing energy consumption and emissions
  • Implementing cost-effective upgrades
  • Increasing accessibility and safety

New Construction Projects

  1. Chilled Water Central Energy Plant
    • Description: Project consists of CEP building, screen wall, and the utility connections to the Civil and Criminal Courthouses. This energy plant is designed to accommodate the current and future court complex building thermal / heating & cooling needs utilizing an ice storage thermal storage plant.
    • Estimated Cost: $6.3 Million
    • Estimated Completion: May 2025

  2. Parking Garage
    • Description: Multi-level parking structure project that also includes bringing the necessary utilities onto the site and connections needed to operate and maintain these facilities and fire protection. It is anticipated that the parking garage will have approximately Seven Hundred (700) spaces on approximately Five (5) floors and will include public restroom facilities. A portion of the Ground floor level will be dedicated to “Activity space” and an art walk on the Street side of the facility.
    • Estimated Cost: $12.5 Million
    • Estimated Completion: November 2025

  3. Civil Courthouse & Court Services
    • Description: Construction of new Civil Courthouse Building. The size of the building will be approximately 80,000 square feet and will consist of two-four stories. The proposed location for the new Courthouse Building is adjacent to the existing Criminal Courthouse.
    • Estimated Cost: $70 Million
    • Estimated Completion: November 2026

  4. Animal Res​ources Facility
    • Description: Construction of the new Animal Services Facility. The size of the building will be approximately 29,000 GSF of conditioned space and 9,500 GSF of covered exterior space (This includes the kennels). The proposed location for the new Facility is to be located off Southwest 23rd Terrace, on a 12.6-acre site.
    • Estimated Cost: $27.5 Million
    • Estimated Completion: January 2027

Renovation/Preservation Projects

  1. Fire Rescue HQ/Emergency Operations
    • Description: The intent of this work is the re-purposing of the recently vacated existing two-story armory building. The prior business recently vacated the facility to relocate out of state allowing the county to purchase the building for use by the county’s emergency operations and management division to better serve the county.
    • Expected Completion: July 2025

  2. Housing Projects (Budget Inn, Scottish Inn, Sunrise Residence Inn)
    • Description: Converting local motels into permanent supportive housing. These apartments will provide long-term housing with supportive services, such as case management, to help residents achieve stability and self-sufficiency. This project is part of a broader effort by Alachua County to combat homelessness by repurposing vacant motels into housing for vulnerable community members.
    • Expected Completion: Budget Inn – January 2026, Scottish Inn – January 2026, Sunrise Residence Inn – October 2025

Recently Completed Projects

Sustainability initiatives  
  1. New Roof and Solar Installation at the Community Support Service/Health Department
    • Description: Replaced the roof and installed a new solar plant.

  2. Civil Courthouse New Roof and Solar Installation
    • Description: Replaced the roof and installed a new solar plant.
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Facilities Management
6125 NW 18th Drive
Gainesville, FL 32653
Phone: 352-374-5229
Fax: 352-374-5279

New Facilities building

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