Facilities Management


Creating Clean, Sustainable, and Operational Environments.



In general, there are no costs to the requesting department associated with routine maintenance. Routine maintenance is defined as repairs or servicing associated with the standard use and life-cycle of building systems, components, and assets. Costs associated with services that exceed the scope of routine maintenance, such as furniture assembly, are paid for by the requesting department, for example:

  • Out of cycle painting
  • Moving services
  • Requests that require Facilities employees to work outside of their normal hours 7:00am – 3:30pm
  • Upgrades to equipment that is otherwise functional and sound

The charge to the requesting department will include labor, benefits and materials as well as appropriate indirect overhead costs.

​Building Mechanic
​Maintenance Worker

Examples of services provided:

  • Carpet/Flooring Issue
  • Door/Window/Walls
  • Electrical Issue
  • Elevator Issue
  • Fire & Life Safety
  • HVAC Issue
  • Janitorial Issue
  • Landscaping Issue
  • Painting Request
  • Parking Lot Issue
  • Pest Issue
  • Plumbing Issue
  • Roof Issue
  • Misc/Other Fac Request

Submitting a Service Request

For your convenience, our department offers multiple ways to submit a service request:

  • Online: Use our online servic​e re​quest form​ to describe t​he issue, specify the location, and submit your contact information. This is the most efficient way to get your request into our system.
  • By Phone: Call our work order desk at 352-548-3759. Please have details ready, including the location and nature of the request.
  • Email: Send a detailed description of your request to facilitiesworkorder@alachuacounty.us. Include the building location, specific area, and your contact information.
  • In Person: You are welcome to visit our offices or inform any of our staff members you encounter throughout the County. While they may not be able to address the issue immediately, they will ensure a work order is created and prioritized for attention as soon as possible.

Our team will prioritize each request based on its urgency and schedule the appropriate response.


The Service Level Priorities for work orders are defined as follows:

  • Emergency or Callout
    Response Time: Immediate
    Emergency work orders take priority over all other work and require immediate action to address situations that present immediate or imminent danger to life, health, safety, security, or significant damage to building, equipment or other property.

  • High
    Expected Completion Time: Within 72 hours
    High priority work orders are unscheduled and reactive and may pose a threat of personal injury, cause property or equipment damage, or serious disruption of service. This type of work demands prompt attention to supplement emergency repairs or prevent a subsequent emergency.

  • Medium
    Expected Completion Time: Within 7 days
    Medium priority work orders address date-sensitive requests. This is work that may require prior coordination and lead time to procure supplies and/or services. These work orders include preventive maintenance services intended to protect and preserve physical assets and reduce the threat of major equipment breakdowns.

  • Low
    Expected Completion Time: Within 30 days
    Low priority work orders address service or project requests that do not pose a threat to life and property or disrupt normal operations. These requests are put in the job queue and are processed in the order they are received.

Building Temperatures

With the changing seasons, we experience unseasonably cold or warm weather on some days during the spring or fall. Because the large systems needed to heat and cool large buildings are slow to react to changes, indoor temperatures can fluctuate significantly during these weather changes.

Our goal is to maintain a building temperature between 69 degrees and 76 degrees (Fahrenheit) depending on seasonal conditions. If you find an area to be too hot or cold, or that seems to be outside of the target 69-76 degree range, please submit an online service request or call the work order desk at 352-548-3759. Please provide your name and phone number along with the specific location. Our staff will investigate to ensure all equipment is operating correctly and make any necessary adjustments.

While we want you to be comfortable in your workspace, safety is our number one priority. Unauthorized use of space heaters in County buildings is not allowed due to safety and environmental concerns. Space heaters are a significant fire hazard and use excessive amounts of energy. Using a space heater can also cause discomfort to others in your area.

We will make ourselves available to discuss the unique heating and cooling aspects of each building if you would like to hear more.


Facilities Management
6125 NW 18th Drive
Gainesville, FL 32653
Phone: 352-374-5229
Fax: 352-374-5279

New Facilities building

Need Assistance with a Facility Issue? Submit a Work Request Today!

Is something not working as it should in your facility? Don't wait—let us know how we can assist you!