Vendor Registration

​​​ How to Do Business with the County

The requests generated by Alachua County departments, the Library District and other user agencies results in a continual need for a wide variety of goods and services.

Alachua County Procurement is responsible for purchasing or supervising the purchase of goods and services for all Alachua County departments under the County Manager, the Alachua County Library District and various other users. The following information explains how vendors may participate in Alachua County's Purchasing process.

Alachua County Procurement has partnered with OpenGov/ProcureNow and is excited to announce our transition from a solely paper-based bid solicitation process to a fully automated web-based electronic bidding and vendor management system. To continue to receive bid notifications, you will want to check Procurements home page, or ​our new e-Procurement Portal locate​d here​. There is no cost for vendors to register in OpenGov/ProcureNow

Our new e-Procurement Portal will allow prospective Vendors and Suppliers the ability to:

OpenGov will send you an email to activate your account, so please be on the lookout for that. Or you may subscribe to our bids by navig​ating here (Procurement Portal) and clicking the “Subscribe” button.

​For more information about how to register, please see our help file​ here.

Should you have any additional questions, please contact the Alachua County Procurement.

This system is utilized for formal solicitations and is used as a reference listing for smaller purchases. Based upon the registered vendors' commodity selection, vendors are notified via e-mail of formal solicitation opportunities for the product(s) or service(s) that were selected.

Participation in the OpenGov/ProcureNow system, however, is not a necessary requirement for doing business with Alachua County Board of County Commissioners, is required for the formal solicitation process. However, if a vendor chooses not to register with OpenGov/ProcureNow, they will not automatically receive notification of bidding opportunities. Vendors may, however, continue to find out about bidding opportunities by checking the local newspaper, The Gainesville Sun or ​visiting ​​our solicitation opportunities ​page.
