Animal Resources


Alachua County Animal Resources supports the Five freedoms for companion animals

  • Freedom from Hunger and Thirst
  • Freedom from Discomfort
  • Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease
  • Freedom to Express Normal Behavior
  • Freedom from Fear and Distress
Learn More

In addition to handling lost and abandoned animals, Alachua County Animal Resources offers a wide range of services. You can view adoptable animals online here​ and keep an eye out for that perfect pet from the comfort of your own home.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 

View the County's animal ordinances​ and affidavit from the documents below.
Animal Licenses
Animal Licenses

Alachua County pet license tags have gone digital and now offer a range of optio​​nal free features, including online pet information storage. Fees are now $25 per pet annually and can be ordered online at

Learn More about Animal Licenses

License your pet online, by mail, or in person. Visit for more information.  
Managed Admissions
Managed Admissions

Stray Animals:

  • We ask that all those finding strays file a report on the 24 Pet Connect before contacting Animal Resources 
  • Before bringing the animal to the shelter, please contact Animal Resources at 352-264-6870

Owner Surrenders:

  • Owner surrenders are accepted by appointment only (call 352-264-6870). When someone contacts the shelter to surrender their pet, they will be given a resource packet and asked to utilize the resources and attempt to rehome on their own first before being scheduled for an appointment 
  • Owners will be required to show that they’ve attempted to rehome on their own before Animal Resources approves the surrender/appointment
  • Please fill out our Surrender Form and Pet Profile​, and print it out to bring with you for your surrender appointment. You may also download it and email it to us.
Foster kittens need cuddles 

Would you like a way to help homeless pets without committing to a lifetime of pet ownership? Are you willing to open your home to provide love and socialization to a pet that isn’t quite ready to be adopted? Do you want to help care for motherless kittens until they are old enough to find their forever homes? Able to house a heartworm positive dog while they receive treatment?  Foster care might be the perfect option for your family!

Fill out an application to foster a pet.

Contact for further information. 

Become a foster parent and save animal lives!


Want to Volunteer?       View Our Volunteer Site

We woof our volunteers 

Alachua County Animal Resources loves our volunteers, and our animals do too! Click here to find out more about volunteering with us!​​

Sign up to cuddle cats and exercise dogs. Help out with on and off-site adoption events, take photos of our animals or assist in the Paws on Parole Program. If you'd like to volunteer from home.. ..become a foster!  There are many ways to enrich the lives of animals at Animal Resources and ultimately help them find their forever home. It all begins with a little time.

Junior Volunteers must be 10 years of age or older, accompanied by an adult at all times

Our monthly group orientations are currently being held online via Zoom.  For more information or to start the volunteer process email us at or give us a call at 352-264-6870 option 5.

Want to Donate?

Write a check to the Alachua County Animal Resources Donation Fund​​​
Drop off

  • Blankets, towels or any soft bedding type materials
  • Martingale  or snap collars, leashes, harnesses (size large preferred)
  • Toys (KONGS, plush or rope toys, tennis balls, frisbees, or any cat toys)
  • Treats
  • Peanut butter
Maddie's Fund
Maddie's Fund
About Maddie
Maddie's Fund logo 

Maddie was a beloved Miniature Schnauzer whose unconditional love, devotion, loyalty and spirit inspired her guardians to start a charitable foundation, Maddie's Fund®, in her name. Dave and Cheryl Duffield fell head-over-heels for Maddie when she was only ten days old. "We held her in our arms, and loved her immediately," says Dave. "Maddie melted our hearts from the first second we saw her," adds Cheryl, "with her sweet ways, her stubbornness, her independence, her intelligence, her spirit, and her devotion."

Dave, Cheryl and Maddie shared ten memorable and happy years together. Dave remembers one particularly good day during the formation of his company, PeopleSoft. Playing with Maddie, he picked her up and made the following promise: "If we ever make some money, I promise we will give it back to you and your kind so others can be as happy as we are today."

Dave and Cheryl are fulfilling their promise to Maddie. They have endowed Maddie's Fund with more than $300 million and have spent $118 million through FY 2011-12 to save dog and cat lives. In their lifetime, Dave and Cheryl have given more of their personal wealth to the animal welfare cause than any other individuals. And although they don't want to make a big fuss over their unprecedented contribution, they do want to honor their cherished companion and the special bond they shared with her.

Animal lovers can understand this sentiment. More and more of us view our companion animals as family, giving them the same care and tenderness we provide our two-legged family members. Our pets enrich our lives with their unconditional devotion to us. They enhance our lives with their stability, love and companionship. The rewards of animal companionship are immeasurable. Maddie inspired Dave and Cheryl to give generously to help save homeless pets in desperate need of love and care. Thanks to the dog with the indomitable spirit, shelter pets are afforded new opportunities to find compassionate homes in which they, too, may share in the joy, love and companionship that Dave and Cheryl enjoyed with Maddie.

On behalf of all sheltered dogs and cats, we give thanks to Maddie, whose spirit lives on through the lives her memorable gift has touched.

More information about Maddie, and Maddie's Fund, can be found at the Maddie's Fund website.


Found Animal Guide

Rehoming Your Dog

Rehoming Your Cat

Want to Volunteer?
Visit Our Volunteer Site

Hill's Pet Nutrition logo 

Contact Us​

Alachua County
Animal Resources

3400 NE 53rd Ave
Gainesville, FL 32609

TDD/TTY users, please call 711 (Florida Relay Service)

Foster or Volunteer Concerns or Questions

Hours of Operation

  • Tuesday - Saturday from 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM
  • Closed Sunday, Monday & Holidays

View Our Kitty Kam

View our Kitty Kam

View a live video stream of the kitty play area at our facility!


View our Performance Measures Report:
Animal Resources​​ Performance Measures​​



The mission of Alachua County Animal Resources is to promote public safety for the welfare of citizens and animals. We accomplish this through education, adoption, sheltering, enforcement, and the rescue of animals that may be stray, injured, unwanted, neglected, or abused.
