Florida Friendly Landscaping Code

​​​NEW! The code was updated on May 23, 2023. 

Section 77.69(c) was added stating: "All Homeowner Associations that are governed by deed restrictions or covenants must keep a current contact on file with Alachua County." 

Moreover, Section 77.63(f) was also updated to require registration of all commercial irrigation systems (including master systems serving multiple lots or irrigation systems for common areas in residential development) and submittal of an annual maintenance report (template provided​). Updated code language is available in the Summary Code Changes​ document.

Please contact Eliana Bardi (ebardi@alachuacounty.us​) to provide a current contact and submit the annual irrigation system maintenance report. 


Alachua County has adopted a new code to encourage resilient landscapes that reduce the need for frequent irrigation and the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.

  • Under the new Homeowner Association (HOA) Florida Friendly LandscapingTM Design Standards Ordinance, HOAs may not prohibit the implementation of Florida Friendly Landscaping (FFL).
  • Homeowners still need to follow their HOA covenants, including the process for making landscaping changes.
  • If what the HOA is requiring meets the principles of FFL, then the ordinance has not been violated.
  • If what the HOA is asking a homeowner to do is not FFL, then the HOA is in violation of the Code.
  • A good example is with turf that is failing due to shade or pest issues. If turf keeps failing and the HOA keeps requiring that specific type of sod, one could argue that the sod is not “the right plant in the right place” and therefore is not FFL. In this situation the County would help the HOA and homeowner find an alternative solution.
  • Additionally, covenants adopted after 10/1/19 may not require the installation of irrigation.

View the Code

View the Code brochure​​

Visit our Water Wise Landscaping page​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Example of a Florida Friendly lawn 

