Jury Service Information


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Scam Alert!

There is a persistent nationwide scam where callers identifying themselves as jury personnel or law enforcement and attempt to solicit payment or personal identifying information claiming a missed jury service. Emails may also be used for targeted “phishing” scams with potentially malicious attachments.

​Please be aware, neither the Clerk’s Office, court, nor law enforcement will ever make these types of calls or send these types of emails. Do not provide any information, either by phone or e-mail, and do not open any attachments to an email from someone claiming to represent the court system. In the event you receive an e-mail or phone call that you feel may not be legitimate, please contact the Court Administrator’s office at 352-374-3638.

General Information

Jurors are summoned from individuals residing in Alachua County with a driver license, identification card, or have filed an affidavit for jury service with the Clerk’s Office. Jurors are generally summoned 4-8 weeks prior to their service date.

Most juries are selected on Monday mornings at one of the Alachua County Courthouses for all trials scheduled during the week. The majority of trials only require one additional day of service after selection.

Free parking is available in the City of Gainesville’s SW Parking Garage located on SW 3rd Street via tag validation by the Clerk’s Office. You do not need to do anything with the Passport Parking App, but you must provide your tag number to the Clerk’s Office for validation. Jurors may park on all floors of the garage in any space marked as Passport Parking Zone 35200. The Clerk’s Office cannot validate or pay for parking in any other location.

If a juror is not paid by their employer during their service, they will receive $15.00 for each of the first three days they serve. After the third day, all jurors are paid $30.00 per day served, regardless of whether or not their employer pays during jury service. Jurors who are entitled to payment may elect to donate their payment pursuant to the Clerk’s Office Juror Donation Program.​

Any individual meeting certain basic requirements may serve on a jury; however, Florida law allows certain individuals to be excused upon request. These people may serve if they choose to, but the most common requestable exemptions are:

  • Persons 70 years of age or older
  • Pregnant women
  • Mothers who have given birth within 6 months of the reporting date
  • Parents who are the full-time caregiver of a child under 6 years of age
  • Incapacitated persons
  • Caregivers of an incapacitated person
  • Full-time law enforcement officers
  • Full-time students 18 to 21 years of age

A person may also be excused from jury service by the court upon a showing of hardship, extreme inconvenience, or public necessity.

Excusal requests can be made online at https://circuit8.org/alachua-jury-excusal-form/.

For additional information, you may review the FAQ​ section or contact the Clerk’s Office at (352) 374-3636.