Irrigation Design Standards

​Revisions to the Irrigation Design Standards​ were approved on May 23, 2023, and went into effect June 12, 2023. The new requirements limit the area that can be permanently irrigated to 50% of the permeable area and outline additional maintenance requirements for non-residential systems (including common areas in residential developments), among other changes.

Staff has crafted a document highlighting important changes to the Irrigation Design Standards​ ​ and definitions. 

A Temporary Irrigation Guidance Document has been created describing options for temporary irrigation and the county registration requirement for certain temporary systems. We welcome comments and suggestions.

Commercial Systems Annual Maintenance Required​

Section 77.63(f) requires that commercial permanent irrigation systems (including those serving common areas in residential development) register with the county and submit documentation​ of an annual irrigation system inspection/audit detailing water conservation activities. Please ensure that a comprehensive annual irrigation system inspection is included in your maintenance contracts. A template Irrigation System Inspection and Maintenance Report​ is available to assist with this requirement (if you use a different format, please make sure it provides all the required information). Read this flier​ for more information.


Florida Water Star Accredited Professional (FWSAP) and State Irrigation License

Check the Florida Water Star events calendar for upcoming dates, details, and registration for Florida Water Star AP trainings. For information on obtaining the State's voluntary Irrigation license, which also qualifies for self-inspection, visit the Florida Irrigation Society.


On September 22, 2015, the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners adopted Chapter 77, Article VI, Landscape Irrigation Design and Maintenance Standards, to promote water conservation and improve water quality. The design standards took effect 4/1/2016 and became applicable countywide on October 1, 2019.

The standards were revised on May 23, 2023 (effective June 12, 2023) to limit the area that can be permanently irrigated to 50% of the permeable area. All new irrigation systems or additions to existing systems that would reduce the efficiency of the system require County approval in Citizenserve.

Irrigation professionals installing or maintaining irrigation systems within Alachua County must register their business with the County. Fees and site plans are waived for new construction that achieves Florida Water Star Gold Certification.


Table of irrigation fees


If you are installing a new irrigation system making additions to an existing system, or making changes that will reduce watering efficiency, you must comply with this ordinance. Please consult with Hollie Greer at 352-264-6827 if you plan to install it yourself, as we will help you navigate the approval process.

Forms and Resources

Application submittal through CitizenServe – Irrigation professionals use this site to register, submit applications, pay fees, and set up inspections on-line. ​ Links to training documents are posted below. 

Citizenserve Introductory Training Video​
Citizenserve - Creating a User Account and Submitting an Irrigation Application
Citizenserve - Requesting an Inspection, Inspection Status, and Paying Fees​

Authorization to Access Property - This form must be signed by the property owner and submitted with the Application.

Self-Inspection Checklist - This form lists the design standards required to pass inspection and is a GREAT tool to ensure all self-inspection projects meet the code. We recommend that you keep a copy of the signed checklist for your records. While this form does not have to be uploaded with your self-inspection documentation, you will be required to verify your self-inspection in CitizenServe within 14 days of project completion.

Sample Site Sketches - Sample Site Sketch 1 and Sample Site Sketch 2 illustrate what should be included in the irrigation site sketch. Providing a complete sketch, when applicable, expedites the review process.

Sample Calculations ​- Use this optional spreadsheet to tabulate required information. Including the completed table on your irrigation sketch will speed up staff review.​

Temporary Irrigation Guidance Document - This document ​explains the temporary irrigation registration requirements and describes several options for providing temporary irrigation. 

Temporary Irrigation Affidavit​ - This form documents the use of temporary irrigation and is required for any in-ground temporary systems, which must be registered in Citizenserve within 14 days of system installation. Temporary systems must be removed or disabled one year after the completion date of the project. The department may grant an extension if it is deemed necessary for tree establishment or in periods of severe drought. Temporary irrigation must clearly be separate from a permanent irrigation system.

Irrigation Design Standards FAQs - This document addresses common questions. 

Questions or concerns, please contact:
Rebecca Hoffmann 352-264-6809
Hollie Greer at 352-264-6827
